Practice Manager & Vet Nurse
I was born and raised in Townsville and have been in the Veterinary Industry since 2008. Over the years I’ve held several different roles including Full Time Vet Nurse, Practice Manager, and part time Admin. I’ve been with My Pet Hub since we opened our doors in 2019 and feel incredibly privileged to have been a part of our exciting journey from a brand new facility with zero Patients and Clients, to the bustling 3 Vet practice, Doggie Daycare, Cattery, and Grooming Salon we are today. My favourite place is behind the Reception desk greeting our gorgeous patients and getting to know our wonderful clients. I also make it my personal goal to ensure every pet that walks through our doors feels comfortable and enjoys a positive experience during their time with us.
When I’m not at MPH you’ll find me caring for our young family of 4 kids and hanging out with our furry family members. We gladly opened our home and our hearts late in 2022 to an incredibly spotty and energetic 2yr old Dalmatian named Bruce. His most favourite thing to do is hassle every last skerrick of peanut butter out of his Kongs and shred any soft and fluffy toy he can find (even if they don’t actually belong to him!!). We all love coming home to his waggly bottom and goofy Dalmatian smile. More recently we added to our furry brood with a speedy ex racing Greyhound named Waylin through the Greyhound Adoption Program. Waylin spends his days lazing on the couch, snuggling up to Bruce, and doing afternoon post dinner zoomies around the backyard.
It has been an incredible ride so far helping MPH grow, and I’ve loved every minute of it! I feel so privileged to work with such an incredible bunch of people every day who share the same passion for all animals. There’s never a dull moment at MPH and I love that every day brings something new and exciting!
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