Behaviour Trainer, Grooming Assistant & Puppy School Instructor
There are not enough words to describe all I love about dogs. They have all the qualities we always look for around us: fidelity, unconditional love, sincere friendship, pleasant company, emotional support, protection, devotion, empathy… you name it!
I became interested in animal behaviour about 15 years ago, when I was lucky enough to have an adorable and crazy Golden Retriever (Robbie) who was living with us in a city house with a small yard. I learned that a large and hyperactive dog can be happy even in a small place when his physical and emotional needs are satisfied. When I observed and understood his canine nature, instead of what I expected, we formed a deep and respectful relationship.
After my first teacher Robbie, his sons Ron and Ramon, I discovered that despite being brothers, they had different personalities and interests, therefore my relationship with each one had to be different to enhance each of their abilities. Now in Australia, I have Rigo (Black Lab) and Ressie (Rottie). They are my masterpieces! With Rigo, I have applied all the positive reinforcement techniques I have found since he was a puppy. With Ressie (my rescued dog), I was motivated to prove that good communication is the key to changing any undesirable behaviour that might erode the reputation of this breed.
Dogtopia Retreat has provided me with the opportunity to pursue my hobby/passion of assisting owners and pets in better communicating and, as a result, developing strong relationships of trust and love. My goal with each client is to help them understand their pets, with no more than commitment, patience, and dedication.
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