Dogtopia Daycare Manager
I was born and raised on a small farm in Bannockburn, Victoria were the family had a wide range of animals, ranging from dogs, cats, goats and chickens. At the age of four my family and I moved to Townsville, sadly having to leave the farm and some of the animals behind.
I completed both primary schooling at Holy Spirit and secondary schooling at Ignatius Park. I began working at Dogtopia Retreat on the first day of business in 2016 doing causal shifts after school and found that I loved working with animals, however never really envisioned it.
I graduated from Ignatius Park in 2018 but I wasn’t too sure I knew what I wanted to do, so I applied to study Bachelor of Business at James Cook University which I completed my first year of in 2019.
Luckily in November 2019 I was offered the manager position at Dogtopia Hyde Park, which worked really well as management was along the lines of what I was studying at university. After a couple of months of working in the management position, I found that I loved working in a management role inside of a business and this was the perfect business for me to work in as I loved animals, especially dogs.
In February 2020, I was then again lucky enough to be asked to manage both our locations at Dogtopia Hyde Park and our new found location My Pet Hub in Kirwan, which was incredibly exciting.
I have my own cat which is a rescue and was adopted in March 2020. I was lucky enough to take this little Russian Blue home and I gave him the name Gaston. I was unsure as to how I ended up with a cat, as I’m more of a dog lover, however I am very happy to have Gaston as part of my family.
In my free time I enjoy going to the gym, hanging out with my friends, playing Xbox and spending time with my family.
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